3D Global Group

3D Global entered the market in December 2017. By taking over the employees, know-how, patents and production sites of Secco GmbH, which is domiciled in the Erz Mountains, 20 years of experience could be secured and combined with new possibilities.
Financed by longer-term oriented German private investors, 3D Global is building up further production sites to satisfy the needs of the automobile sector, industry as well as the medical and gaming sectors.
3D Global products are modern autostereoscopic 3D displays that provide a unique direct experience of three-dimensional viewing or mixed 2D/3D viewing without glasses or other devices.
This results in a new quality of computer games as well as automobile and medical applications such as computer tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance tomography (MRT).
3D Global has close contacts to several universities and offers highly interesting employment possibilities for experts in the field of optics, IT and production.
3D Global Solutions GmbH

The 3D Global Solutions GmbH is responsible for the following functions within the 3D Global Group based on the products of 3D Global:
- Product Management
- Solution Provider
- Marketing
- Distribution
3D Global GmbH

3D Global GmbH is the operationally active unit with employees, access to patents and know-how, partnership with Secco, machines and equipment as well as to the business premises.
3D Global Holding GmbH

The holding secures the financing of 3D Global Group. Furthermore, this is where the patents and know-how are pooled.
3D Global Immobilien GmbH

Immobilien GmbH provides the group with all plots of land, buildings, networks, water preparation systems, clean rooms and other infrastructures.

UX3D GmbH develops the necessary software solutions for the hardware of the 3D Global Group.
These include 3D web viewers, apps for Android and iOS as well as plugins for all common 3D engines, such as like Unity and Unreal. In addition, the Group also provides services for the segments Automotive, Gaming Digital Signage and Medical also created special solutions for the 3D Global Group and its customers.
UX3D is a member of the Khronos Group (Khronos Group welcomes UX3D as newest Associate Member - The Khronos Group Inc). UX3D has helped to specify and develop the glTF standard used for 3D models worldwide. Recently, models created on this basis were also used for the Mars Rover landed on 18.02.2021.
The CEO of UX3D, Norbert Nopper, regularly contributes to the Blender 2 glTF 2.0 Importer and Exporter tool used in this process.