Comparatio LLC

Jan Pöhland began his career at ProDigital when writing his diploma thesis. After that, he worked as project manager and department head for many years. In the scope of these functions, he relocated the centre of his life to the USA and in the meantime has become an American citizen.
In 2006, Jan Pöhland left the successor company of ProDigital.
In 2006, Comparatio LLC was founded together with Hohenstein Verwaltungs-GmbH. Due to the geographically large distance and the differentness of American company law and the tax system, Jan Pöhland had to solve many problems on his own. Comparatio is thus a somewhat atypical participation for Hohenstein Verwaltungs-GmbH with regard to the administration.
Hohenstein Verwaltungs-GmbH was able to provide support in the field of financing and business development.
Today, Comparatio employs approx. 20 workers, runs profitably and is growing strongly.